Next Friday.
1 week.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
catch up
1. Taxes are done, dude!
2. Mini AND Kia are BOTH working thanks to the Pitts.
3. Jack was sized for shoes over the weekend when he went to the mall with Nana and Granddaddy. He's a 6 (extra wide). They got him a new pair of shoes and they are awesome! Why am I excited about this? Because they have done studies in the last few years and doctors believe that children should not wear shoes until they are walking fairly well. It hinders their gait and foot development. So, this clearly means that Jack is walking everywhere and not is not too shabby!
4. Jack will be 1 in less than 2 weeks.
5. We spent a small fortune in baby gates today.
6. Rainer turned 40!
7. The Badem family rocks!
8. Emily Bolton was (again) kind enough to send us more hand-me-down toys! Jack got an awesome outdoor baby jungle gym today. It has a rock wall, slide and swing.
9. Jack has slept through the night for nearly a week (although I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop...and what the hell does that mean anyways?)
10. I am going to be working Wednesdays for a while.
11. Andy and Laura came down for a few days from Idaho. I wish we could have spent more time with them. I hardly got to see Laura at all.
12. Beth, Kevin, Ramyah, Jazyah and Tykese will be down March 4 from Idaho before they move to Hawaii!
13. Days of our Lives is still fantastic after all these years.
14. My 10 year MTCS reunion is coming up this fall. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.
15. Our neighbor asked if he could haul of our giant tree branch in our back yard for us. How cool is that?
16. We got an estimate for a chain link fence. WAAAAAAY too much $$$. Talked to Rainer about it and he said we could do it ourselves in a day. Piece of cake. All we need is to supply him with some New Castle. Done and done!
17. I am looking forward to seeing my family (hopefully) in Jack's birthday.
18. I need to pluck my eyebrows.
19. I am actually getting a decent tan this year.
20. If a telemarketer calls you to say you should take dance lessons and claims that "anyone can dance". It is best to tell them you have no arms or legs.
Posted by
9:56 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Today a teen asked me if she was pregnant. No, she did not want to pay for a pregnancy test. She only wanted to "stop by a clinic" and ask a nurse if she "LOOKS" pregnant. She looked like a teenager that needed guidance.
Posted by
12:05 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It has been confirmed:
Jack is hell on wheels. I talked to 3 of his teachers this morning and confirmed it. They said he makes them laugh all day and is clearly the class clown. They have to tie the curtains to the rod or he will pull them down. They have to hide the garbage can. I THOUGHT he was busy--but now it's not just my opinion. I told the teachers that Jean and I were scared to have another baby because what if HE is the GOOD one?!?! They assured me the next one would be more easy going. He is not bad, by any means. He is simply independant and stuborrn. He KNOWS what he wants and he is gonna get it come Hell or high water!
In other news the Kia is back in action and now we are having the van worked on. I imagine it will be in the shop for a while.
Later I will be meeting Carrie and picking up Jack. Then Emmy and Jack have a date scheduled for the mall til Jean is done with work. That SHOULD fill the day.
Posted by
10:14 AM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Jack's new friend connor.
Our friends (Brad and Carrie) are due to have a little boy in May. Carrie and I are meeting up tomorrow to visit our daycare and see if she approves of it for the Connor-Man. I really hope she likes it and that she gets a good first impression. I remember how scary it was dropping him off, or even imagining dropping him off at daycare the first few weeks. I wondered if he would lay there and cry and be ignored? Would they feed him when he was hungry or just at the teacher's convenience? Would he have a flat head from being a "crib baby"? I cried and cried over it.
I was so lucky to have my friend Kim experience our daycare before me. She was there to reassure me (she's been there for me since our first pregnancy to present). Her daughter, Emily, turned out to be a very happy, healthy and smart toddler and Jack has too. He has never (knock on wood) been crying or shown signs of crying when I pick him up. Even at 3 months old he was always being rocked, being fed, swinging, being read to or sleeping when I arrived. They even took him outside as an infant because they were observant enough to see that he loved it.
I hope Carrie sees the good in our daycare and I hope she is able to handle the transition better than I did! Although, I think all moms go through this.
It will be so cool to watch Connor grow up with Jack and his other friends Emily, Kayla and Carter. It's also nice to be tight with other parents whos kids go there. We all make surprise visits and check in on one anothers kids-they never know when we're coming and we have eyes everywhere!
Posted by
8:43 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Darwin Awards
I could almost see it coming. Kris, JP and I totally set ourselves up to receive a Darwin Award today. We were attempting to pull half a tree off of our roof with a hammer and a cinder block. Somehow we did it and all survived.
Jack's rash is pretty much gone. Aquaphor rocks.
Cross your fingers that we will be able to afford a fence soon! The dogs need it bad (translated I need it worse).
Posted by
9:14 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
...so it's not likely the plague.
A million thanks to Aunt Peggy and Uncle Robert for letting me pick their brains. I emailed them Jack's rash pics and they gave me a few ideas as to what it may be. It is likely contact dermatitis. Now we need to figure out what he came in contact with that his skin made such a protest. He has new pacifiers that we ran through the dish washer that could be an issue. They are the same pacis we bought before but we may have switched soaps around that time. I am boiling water to clean them as I type. We also started him on whole milk around the same time (woohoo! no more bottles!). Trial and error. We'll figure it out. I am just so thankful to have such great friends and family to lead us along through Jack's childhood.
Posted by
9:51 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Already blogging
We went to Kayla's 2nd birthday party today. I will have a more detailed blog to follow with pics tomorrow. We ALL had a blast.
We met our newest neighbors a few minutes ago. They're pretty cool. They appear to be the same age as us and they have a little boy named "Jackson". Jackson turns 3 on the same day Jack will turn 1. How cool is that??? PLUS they LOVE dogs, especially big dogs.
So they were telling us about the land and surrounding neighbors (they have done lots of research since they have been building since last May). They told us that our land is the only property that runs up to the fence line. The water company owns everyone else's fence line. Also he mentioned that we have a well on our property. Jean and I had been wondering for some time what this weird looking pipe was in our backyard. Sure enough, it's a well and you can see the water. Then they told us that where our house stands was once an old farm house that burned down. That is why our trees appear dead. They were burned at one time and don't grow on one side.
So mu question for you is.....how do I find out more about this old farm house? Why it burned? Who lived here? I know there are some public records somewhere...but I am at a loss. Please send me info!
Posted by
2:33 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
a day at the mall
We like visiting the mall with the Jack-boy. The play area rocks and we even ran in to one of Jack's classmates. He LOVES a slide, it turns out. This is fun for us the first few times, but when you have to lift a 27 pound kid over and over and over...you quickly lose interest even if he doesn't.
So my shoulder is killing me now. I am going to call plastics very soon and get my surgery scheduled Wooohooo! It was approved by insurance!) . I think it will be April or May before I have the time to do it. God I can't WAIT!!!
Oh-one more thing. I spent a Wednesday at daycare helping a photographer snap pictures of the kids. Kim and I received $100 in free pics for helping. So doesn't it figure that Jack looks pissed in his ONE picture he would take??? Figures.
Posted by
9:28 AM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
11 months
Jack will be 11 months old this week. It's insane how close he is to being one. It's insane how much our lives have changed from before he was born, to 3 months old, 6 months old and now. It can be very stressful-but like all parents-we wouldn't change it for the world.
He has decided in the last few weeks to try walking. JP and I both walked at 10 months so we figured Jack would too. I think he may need a sobriety test based on his gait. I put shoes on him last night (they were Spencer's!) and Kris and I had him walk back and forth between us. He looked like a Tennessee Walking Horse. He kept pulling each leg up really high with every step. At one point he realized that his shoes made noise on the wood floors. He kept "shuffling" his right foot. Too cute.
I'll have some new pics up shortly.
Posted by
7:59 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008
Jean-Paul's cousin, Beth and her family will be here in March! They live in Idaho presently and are moving to Hawaii soon. How much do they suck???
Anywho-I am so glad they'll be here for Jack's first birthday!
Posted by
12:57 PM