Sunday, September 30, 2007

General update

This weekend was wedding-tastic. We spent the weekend with Jean's family at Marshall and Miranda's ceremony. It was , as always, really good to see everyone....even if it was hectic.

Jack is still making attempts at crawling and is doing rather well. He has discovered that he can make different sounds by sticking out his tongue. He's also learning to fuss and manipulate us when he's not getting his way. This is unusual as he generally gets what he wants. Maybe this is a habit we should break?

He is still on PCN and it doe not seem to be working worth a crap. He has hacked and hacked and lost his voice. I've been told he can not have allergies at this age--but I am not convinced.

Oh-did I mention we're house hunting? It's a massive pain in the ass but it will be worth every minute once we're done and in a new (to us) home. Murphy won't know what to do with his own yard.

More to come....

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Welcome to the world of Jarboe....

Allow me to introduce the cast:

Likes: Meowing and anything to eat
Dislikes: Alzheimer's.


Likes: Chicken, rides, Belly and Cooper, Cole, Boxer burns.
Dislikes: Pet Safaris' owner and fences

Likes: Bottles, food, things to throw and things to eat....and food.
Dislikes: Sleep

Likes: Little man, Big Man, Super M, UFC, crossword puzzles.
Dislikes: Dairy, Michael Vick, the Congo


Likes: Tacos, Futurama, Rachel, creamed corn and Jack.
Dislikes: Tacos, birds, french fries.