Well, not exactly--but next week Jack will be 9 months old. He had his check-up today and is doing well. He weighs 26.13 lbs and is 33 1/4 inches long. He's in the 97th percentile for both. However, his head is in the 5oth percentile. How funny is that? I seem to remember cousin Wyatt's stats being very similar. 2 big handsome gentlemen.
He had his second flu shot and cried for about 30 seconds. I know mine burned like crazy this year and got kinda uncomfortable. I sympathize. He had labs drawn too. They were making sure he was not anemic (typical 9 month labs) and checked his white blood cells to make sure he did not have an infection (since he has had this crappy cough for about 6 months). Dr. Harrison called JP and told him he thinks it's viral and to give it another week. What's a week after 6 months???
I just lost my train of thought....what I was getting at is how well Jack took the finger stick. Shelly did the actual sticking while Jane distracted him. She "pinched" his leg at the same time Shelly stuck his finger so he was COMPLETELY distracted. Not a tear. Then he got a sucker--of course he LOVED that. Then there was the super cool blue band aide. He was not happy that I took it off before getting in the car. I could just see him sucking it right off his finger and down his throat.
Before Jack my main priority would be telling you about our new home. Now it's an after thought. Maybe it still has not sunk in yet--I'm sure it will when we get our first house note. JP and I are gonna try and get our refrigerator (thanks, Jules), our bed, Jack's crib, and a few other necessities tonight. We took several boxes to the house last night so it is a royal mess. I'll have pictures posted soon. We have our internet turned on tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
9 months already? Here's an extra long post in honor:
Posted by
2:51 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Santa What?
Today we went to the mall and saw Santa! Jean's parents called us to tell us about a greta looking Santa at Stones River Mall. They thought since Santa resembled Grandaddy that Jack may do well when visiting and taking pictures. He exceeded our expectations. He sat on his lap and just looked at him and smiled and smiled. He smiled for the camera once--but mostly just sat in Santa's lap and smiled at him like he knew all about Santa and was buttering him up for the good toys. As soon as we get our pics scanned I will post them.
There is also a new area for kids set up at the mall. It has a soft, cushy floor and tons of rubbery animals to climb on and tunnels to climb through. It was loaded with kids. Jack was in 7th heaven. He crawled and crawled like he owned the place. It's so much fun to watch him interact with other kids. There was a little girl, maybe the age of 6, that was helping Jack walk and go down the slide. She was so sweet. Before we left she even said "I think him wants to go home with me". Adorable. I definitely want to get together with some of my friends and their kids--or maybe some cousins and go play there one day.
Right now Jack-man is sleeping at Nanna and Grandaddy's. It is our first night alone at the apartment. It's really weird being alone here but nice knowing he's just down the road and is sleeping ...well...like a baby.
Posted by
11:03 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Bloody Turkey Day
Thanksgiving was crazy, but so much fun.
We went to the Scarborough side for an early dinner at my aunt Janice's in Nashville. The crew included Janice, Joe, Jennifer R., Joanne, Lee, Jennifer L. Seth, Tanner, Parker, Kasen, Cindy, Ralph, Ben, Catie, Becky, Mom, and Melanie. It is so cool to watch Jack interact with the boys. They were so good with him. They shared, made faces, baby talked to him and even Tanner fed him cheese nips. Tanner may have made a new BFF!
After Jan's we went to Kara and Bobby's new house for the Jarboe side. The crew included, Susie, Megan, Elisa, Dan (whom Jack LOVED), Aunt Kay, Mo, Marshall, Miranda, Jaelyn, Melia, Michael, Whitney, Alexa, Brenda, Howard, Brandi, Mike, PJ, Bill, and Matt. Again it was really cool to see Jack play with his cousins. Dan brought a massive box of legos and dumped them in the floor upstairs in a nearly empty (therefore baby proof) room. Jaelyn, Melia, Alexa and Jack went to town! They had so much fun! Jaelyn was so sweet sharing stickers with the adults and sharing legos with the babies. Not to mention Alexa is walking! I didn't even know who she was at first! I never expected to see her walking past the front door when we came in the house. We would have had a complete baby collection had the Wyatt-man been there. I hope they'll all be together at Christmas. Jack needs another man to even out the score a bit!
Posted by
10:59 PM
Long story short...
The loan is stuck in underwriting for our house. The underwriter is stuck on stupid stuff like the contract not having page numbers. Mortgage companies are really watching every detail of their loans today due to the "bad apples" in the industry. The last 6 months have gotten worse and in fact, our loan manager said he has never seen an underwriter so caught up on stipulations. I mean, they even needed Jack's birth certificate!
Speaking of our loan manager, he is amazing. His name is Michael Loyd and I strongly recommend him to anyone and everyone looking in to buying a house. He has gone WAY above and beyond the call of duty for us. He may even lose his job over our loan (he's not happy with the company). I can not say enough positive things about him.
So here we are waiting to FINALLY hear back about our loan. The loan company says we can close Tuesday. The seller and her agent say we have to close Monday. If we can not get the mortgage company to make us a priority and have this done by Monday...we may very likely lose the house. Seeing how the mortgage company (NOT Michael, the mortgage officer) are douches and the fact that our last name is Jarboe--I wouldn't be surprised if this falls apart.
That being said--everything always works out in the end. So this will be a lesson learned and it may mean there is a better home for us somewhere else. I guess we'll see.
Posted by
10:49 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
New addition to the family!
This is our sweet little lady...Ms......ummm.. okay so she doesn't have a name. I like "petunia". I mean, come on? Does she look like a delicate flower? JP is leaning towards "Xena" as in the "Warrior Princess".
She's a 1 year old St. Bernard that was chained to someone's font porch--and left. They moved away and the landlord was gonna dump her at the pound. Luckily one of the guys working on the house found her and took her home.He in turn, talked with one of our Podiatrist that is a big dog lover and rescue guy Dr. Toy then told me--she fits the exact description I gave him, After Thanksgiving she'll be moving in with us and big brother Murphy!
She has been living with a family the last few weeks and is apparently GREAT with their 4 kids. They also have several other cats and dogs that she gets along with well. The vet checked her out and other than being a bit thin from being chained to a house alone without food--she's doing well.
Posted by
7:26 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Monkeys, naked time, and more teeth
Jack loves his nightly "naked time" but not as much as he loves his monkey.
Below is the result of my hip wrestling with the kitchen counter at 3AM when Jack cries out in pain.
Today Spencer and Taylor came to the apt to hang out. While Taylor and JP were nerding out--Spence discovered that Jack has a new tooth. He got his first 2 teeth just shy of 4 months old and everyone said the next one would follow quickly and be one of the top 2 teeth. Turns out his third tooth is an eye tooth on the bottom left and after digging around in his mouth I found that he DOES have a top tooth (also on the left) working it's way down. Poor guy will only be able to chew on one side.
Some babies teeth without any problems. My mom claims that I was an easy teether. Not my boy! He gets runny nose, fever, and obviously hurts soooo badly. I hate this!
Posted by
9:39 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Happy Birthday Uncle Big! Uncle Daddy! Uncle BM!
also known as Matt....the best brother-in-law EVER and one of the few people on this planet I would trust with my life--and even Jack's.
This weekend was really nice in Lexington--but coming home left us in complete chaos. We have had pretty severe water damage in our apartment. Again, the Jarboe curse has struck. We may only have weeks left in this place and NOW disaster strikes. We have kept Jack out of here as much as possible but I can't help but wonder if all the mold hasn't been what keeps him sick. I have obsessed over him having allergies to only be told that it is not possible because he has never been exposed to the allergens. They tell you as a parent to follow your gut.....it's making sense. It's also making sense why I could never make the bathroom "fresh" smelling.
Today JP had to call the tire place (where we bought 4 new tires at last week) and tell them we are coming back tomorrow because our tires are already ruined in the back. I called around to get home owner's insurance quote and talked with the title lady. After Jack's appt tomorrow we'll meet up with the mortgage guy.
Then there is Christmas shopping. Allow me to remind everyone that we are broke and can afford everyone a #2 pencil. If you're lucky I'll steal you a drug company pen. That's only if you were a good boy this year.
Also--we lost one of our OB/GYNs, Dr. Bradley, this weekend very suddenly. I had only spoken to him a few times--mostly about our boys that are 5 days apart. He always had a smile on his face when passing through our department or when Dr. B and I went to his in search of free birth control in his department! . JP knew him and said that the guy tried to know all the employees in the clinic names' (but the clinic has since grown way too large for that). He had 4 grown children, an 8 month old month and a new wife. Please keep his friends and your prayers. I can't imagine how his wife must feel with a new baby and the trauma she has been through.
Posted by
9:26 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Friday, November 2, 2007
Jack the pumpkin king!
Nanna, Jack, and Grandaddy
Jack and Grandaddy
Nanna and Jack
Aunt Meny and Jack
Uncle Big and Jack
Pawpaw and Jack the monkey
Yaya and Jack
The Jarboe Three
Grandaddy and Jack
Posted by
11:22 PM
Jack got in a fight with the exersaucer
Clearly the exersaucer won. Crawling is easy and pulling up is getting easier--but standing in one position for more than45 seconds....kinda hard.
Poor guy got his first bruise on his face. This is the beginning of the end.
Posted by
11:17 PM