Saturday, November 24, 2007

Santa What?

Today we went to the mall and saw Santa! Jean's parents called us to tell us about a greta looking Santa at Stones River Mall. They thought since Santa resembled Grandaddy that Jack may do well when visiting and taking pictures. He exceeded our expectations. He sat on his lap and just looked at him and smiled and smiled. He smiled for the camera once--but mostly just sat in Santa's lap and smiled at him like he knew all about Santa and was buttering him up for the good toys. As soon as we get our pics scanned I will post them.

There is also a new area for kids set up at the mall. It has a soft, cushy floor and tons of rubbery animals to climb on and tunnels to climb through. It was loaded with kids. Jack was in 7th heaven. He crawled and crawled like he owned the place. It's so much fun to watch him interact with other kids. There was a little girl, maybe the age of 6, that was helping Jack walk and go down the slide. She was so sweet. Before we left she even said "I think him wants to go home with me". Adorable. I definitely want to get together with some of my friends and their kids--or maybe some cousins and go play there one day.

Right now Jack-man is sleeping at Nanna and Grandaddy's. It is our first night alone at the apartment. It's really weird being alone here but nice knowing he's just down the road and is sleeping a baby.

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