Saturday, November 10, 2007

Monkeys, naked time, and more teeth

Jack loves his nightly "naked time" but not as much as he loves his monkey.

Below is the result of my hip wrestling with the kitchen counter at 3AM when Jack cries out in pain.

Today Spencer and Taylor came to the apt to hang out. While Taylor and JP were nerding out--Spence discovered that Jack has a new tooth. He got his first 2 teeth just shy of 4 months old and everyone said the next one would follow quickly and be one of the top 2 teeth. Turns out his third tooth is an eye tooth on the bottom left and after digging around in his mouth I found that he DOES have a top tooth (also on the left) working it's way down. Poor guy will only be able to chew on one side.

Some babies teeth without any problems. My mom claims that I was an easy teether. Not my boy! He gets runny nose, fever, and obviously hurts soooo badly. I hate this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG Wyatt did not dig on his money AT ALL, which is a shame cause mommy thinks it's so cute.

Check out our boys distinct lack of bliss: