Thursday, August 21, 2008

It is 9:29pm and I am prepared to accept that.

Thanks a lot Doug for the referral of Quick Change.
What a gem.
Mean it.

Jack bit me on the shoulder tonight. It did hurt, but I "over reacted" in hopes to discourage him from biting. So his response was to bite me again (keep in mind he is in the bath tub). Jean slapped his hand and raised his voice. I think it shocked him (not sure why-it usually doesn't phase him) and he lowered his head to cry. In the process he hit his head on the side of the bath tub. So now he's even more upset. He AGAIN lowers his head to cry and this time dips his entire face in the water. Oops.

So he's doing better, everyone is happy and decide that Jack needs "naked time". He. of course, takes a dump in the floor. Why wouldn't he?

JP has been working alot. One night this week he didn't get home until 3AM. We had a chance to get a free vacation in Williamsburg, VA in October but it looks like JP won't be able to take off work. It sucks. That was kinda our only hope for a REAL vacation. Such is life.

Melanie is enjoying school. She says she's not at all homesick--which is really awesome. That's how it should be. There's nothing wrong with being homesick, but it's a bit early in the game for all that.

This weekend is jam-packed with stuff. Kris's birthday dinner (nearly a week late--HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE KRIS!), Ryan's wedding, Mom's birthday, Tropic Thunder with James and Amy,and dinner with Lauren. Lauren was a student of mine at the dance studio. She was a great dancer and worked very hard. I have run in to her once or twice over the years but we are FINALLY getting together to hang out and truly catch up. All of the girls have grown up so much. It blows my mind to hear what they're up to these days, or who they're dating, what grade they're in and what college they are going to! Some of them even have kids! I AM GETTING OLD!!!!!!!!!

On that depressing note--I am gonna crash. Lalashusha and other stuff, as an old friend use to say.

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