Monday, August 4, 2008

Potty training!!!

We have had no intentions of potty training until Jack is 2. I have heard there is not much point to try before hand. However, this weekend Jack was going to hide behind the chair to go #2 in his diaper and I caught him. I asked if he wanted to "use the potty" and he said "mmm-hmmm" and off we went. I sat him on the potty and he went right away! We tried it again a few hours later and he went #1 in the potty too!
Jack still has lots of wet diapers and he has not TOLD me he wants to go--I am just pumped that he knows what to do and is not afraid of it. Not to mentioon that he likes to flush it!

Jean-Paul has made fun of me for telling everyone about the potty training date but this is a HUGE thing! Even if he is not officially potty trained in the next few months we have at least gotten off to a good start!

1 comment:

The Wimsatts said...

wow, that's spectacular. knowing is half the battle!