Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Jack-ie Darko.

These are the pics we took before heading out for work today. Jack refuses to smile when he sees a camera. He is so caught up with wanting to touch it and figure it out, we can't distract him and make him smile. SO I have ordered his "fall pics" from daycare--but no smile.

When we came home today he saw Murphy and started CRACKING UP. The only time he laughs like that is when JP tickles him. It was so cute. I busted out my camera...and nothing. He quit and stared at the camera.


Brandi said...

I too am mesmorized by shiney objects.

The Wimsatts said...

Killer shirt! I want one.

Can't wait till Wyatt has enough hair to do something with. Right now it's only growing in the back. Maybe we could do that ultra cool manager-of-a-band-bald-on-top-ponytail-in-the-back thing.

Anonymous said...

Jack had a mullet for a LONG time. I was looking at his 3 month pics the other day and noticed the same thing.

Wyatt's not a manager--he's the lead singer. Waaaay to cool for all that!