Friday, December 5, 2008

I should change the name

of the blog.  It should be called "Jack's ailments" or maybe "Diseases de la Jarboe" or maybe just "Jack".  We have had a touch of crazy touch our home again...although I am not sure much can compare to our recent hospital stay.

Jack had a night terror last night.  To those of you that have not heard of that, I suggest you Google it.  I am too lazy to post a link.  I had night terrors as a child and so did my Dad.  I have found it to be ugly on both sides.  I won't drone on about my odd-ball dreams.  I remember very little about them.  I just remember being, well, terrified.  
Jack woke up about an hour in to sleep losing his mind screaming.  He was incosable.  He looked right through you.  He only stopped crying when I put him on the floor at which point he stood up and walked in to our guest bathroom and stood over the trashcan.  It was like following someone sleep walking--which he essentially was doing.  Sippy cups didn't help, cold wet wash cloths didn't help,.  Lights didn't help.  Not even Shrek could save us last night.  
After what seemed like forever ( more like 20 min) he was over it.  He snapped out of it and started jabbering and fell over in my arms asleep.  It was like nothing happened.

We had gone to McDonad's Playplace with Kayal, Emily and Carter earlier that evening.  Then we all went back to dacyare where they were hosting Santa. After that we went home and finally simmered down for him to go to sleep.  It appears that often times night terrors are caused by being overly tired and having too much stimulation.  That pretty much sums up my family.  

I figure him being anemic doesn't help with the fatigue thing.

On a VERY good note--Jack LOVED him some Santa.  He sat in his lap, took a pic and THEN went back in for a hug.  He loved it and Santa seemed to enjoy the photo-op (securing his job at daycare next year, I am sure).  Hopefully I will be able to post the pics on here soon!

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