Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Baby boy

(Rachel blogging through the magical hands of J-Pizzle) Long time no Bloggy my pets! I've wanted to get in more blogs b/c so much has happened but the main dude has been mucho sick.Jacks gone from one illness to the next. He currently has an ear infection and a double eye infection. Poor baby, he's taken it like a champ though. He has been pretty miserable but still takes the time to laugh and amaze his father and I.

Alright explanations are over now for the meat of this post. Kelly,Rissy,JP and I had a wonderful lunch in Nashville. It was just four ladies out on the town.We had a very lame New Years as we all had the flu. They say how you spend your New Years is how your year will go and if that is the case then I'm super exited about 2008 (insert me punching myself in the face for an entire year here). Kris moved in to his new digs this week and immediately after moving got the... you guessed it FLU! Jack is now at his fighting weight, a mighty 27 pounds 14 ounces. Most of that weight coming from his eight teeth.

That just about covers it for now. Rachel thinks she's cooler then you.

We're out
JP, Rachel,Jack, Lucy,Murphy,Purty

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see ya'll posting again. Wyatt is sick right now too. He went to the doctor this morning and they sent him to the hospital to be tested for some virus called rsv. They gave him eye drops because his eyes have been red and stuck together when he wakes up. If he has rsv, they will give him a shot of steroids.