Monday, October 1, 2007

Happy Monday

and Happy Birthday, Bobby!

Today I got on to Jack for the first time. He has talons instead of nails, like his dad. He grabbed my face with both hands because I was rocking him to sleep and he wanted to sit up and play. He ended up grabbing me with those little knives and scratching my face, cutting a tiny place above my lip. I grabbed both of his hands and said "No!". What a joke. He all but laughed at me. Immediately after I said it to him I thought "Oh God-here comes the tears". Whatever. I was the only one that felt bad.

He has now decided to sleep on his stomach (he has never been a fan of "tummy time" until recently) 2 nights in a row. It goes against everything has drilled in to my soul. He's happy and sleeping so I let him be....

Oh-and I got a new set of cookware! It's red and black. I have never had NEW cookware. Laugh if you want, I'm pumped. Thanks, Dr. B!

1 comment:

The Wimsatts said...

Poor Rach :(.

I know Wyatt is just a baby, but when he gets mad and starts flailing around I SWEAR TO GOD sometimes he scratches me on purpose.

Congrats on the new cookware. I give it less then a month before someone gets lazy and stirs with a fork, scraping off yer teflon.