Thursday, October 4, 2007

and the list goes on....

Jack's rash has spread across his entire body and seems to be getting worse. I know it will get worse before it gets better--but this just sucks.
Daycare called me again today. The teacher thought Jack had Thrush. Not a shocker since he has been on antibiotics the last 10 days and has another 9 days to go. Yaya picked him up and brought him to the clinic. Dr. B and I checked out his mouth and did not see any white stuff. Then she pulled back his lips an we saw a film that was starting to look a tiny bit bloody. She took a swab and sent it to the lab. Sure enough it was positive for yeast. So now we have to shoot Nystatin in both sides of his mouth 4 times a day on top of the twice daily antibiotic. Awesome.
Bless his heart. He looks terrible but still wants to play and crawl. He's definitely not himself but considering how he is starting to look, it's a miracle he's not miserable.

On a good note he has started pulling up without help. I think this is a good note.

1 comment:

The Wimsatts said...

Poor kiddo. Good news about the pulling up on his own, tho. Even though it means that soon he will be unstoppable.

Can babies eat yogurt? It's good for yeastyness.